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发表于:2022-10-21 08:25:04 来源:网友投稿

摘 要 本文主要研究非参数异方差回归模型的局部多项式估计问题.首先利用局部线性逼近的技巧,得到了回归均值函数的局部极大似然估计.然后,考虑到回归方差函数的非负性,利用局部对数多项式拟合,得到了方差函数的局部多项式估计,保证了估计量的非负性,并证明了估计量的渐近性质.最后,通过对农村居民消费与收入的实证研究,说明了非参数异方差回归模型的局部多项式方法比普通最小二乘估计法的拟合效果更好,并且预测的精度更高.

关键词 非参数回归;异方差;局部多项式拟合;局部极大似然估计;渐近正态性

中图分类号 O212.7; F224.0 文献标识码 A

Local Polynomial Estimations for Nonparametric

Heteroscedastic Regression Model

—— An Empirical Analysis of Rural Households’ Consumption and Income

ZHANG Dongyun

(Business School, Henan Normal University, XinXiang, Henan 453007,China)

Abstract This paper studied local polynomial estimations for nonparametric heteroscedastic regression models. Firstly, the local maximum likelihood estimation of regression mean function was gained by using local linear fitting. Secondly, considering the positive of regression variance function, its local polynomial estimation was proposed by using local logpolynomial fitting, which guaranteed positive of the local estimation. Furthermore, we verified asymptotic normality of the local estimation. Finally, with the real data studies of Chinese rural residents’ consumption and income, it shows that the local polynomial method for nonparametric regression models performs better than the least squares method, and has higher accuracy.

Key words nonparametric regression; heteroscedastic; local polynomial fitting; local maximum likelihood estimation; asymptotic normality

1 引 言



2 模型的局部多项式估计



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