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发表于:2023-01-05 13:25:05 来源:网友投稿

领导力的重要性英语作文1  Facingmorechallenges,itisessentialforanenterprisetohaveastrongleadership.Whatstheimp下面是小编为大家整理的领导力重要性英语作文五篇【通用文档】,供大家参考。



  Facing more challenges, it is essential for an enterprise to have a strong leadership. What"s the importance of leadership? It must be clarified. Today we"ll listen to the experts" answers.

  1 decide the goal and assign the work

  The leader with leadership knows how to decide what the goal should be, knows how to *yze the activities, decisions and relationships required to achieve the goal, and has the ability to assign work and complete the work.

  2. Evaluate employees, and make clear rewards and punishments

  Leaders with leadership know that through management, through the relationship with subordinates, through reward and punishment measures and promotion policies, employees are encouraged to work hard.

  3 leadership can influence subordinates

  The so-called: what kind of leadership, what kind of subordinates will be led out? A leader with leadership knows how to influence others in the organization and make others try their best to achieve organizational goals.

  4 value of leadership

  It is said that to cultivate leadership, the first step is to cultivate value. A leader full of personal charm will have enough strength to restrain himself. Under pressure and motivation, he can make himself correct.











  Leader"s leadership plays an important role in the development of an enterprise. The good and bad of leadership is directly reflected in the executive power of its employees. Welcome to read! Please pay attention to related columns for more information!

  Today, strong leadership is often seen as one of the most important key factors for organizational growth, change and regeneration. Unfortunately, leadership is often short of resources. It is precisely because of this shortage that many enterprises are unable to adapt to the era of intensified global competition.

  In order to improve the quantity and quality of leadership, enterprises are investing time and money to develop leadership. In recent years, the role of the development of leadership activities has increased dramatically, and the scope has also expanded rapidly. For example, these activities are increasingly designed around the idea that leadership development is a life-long process, not a single isolated event.

  The development of leadership plays three major roles in the process of employee education: developing individual skills, popularizing enterprise values and vision, and conducting strategic interventions to advocate dialogue and implement change throughout the enterprise.

  Historically, the most common approach has been personal preparation and skill development. In this way, managers learn the core ideas and skills of leadership and get feedback on specific capabilities.

  The second role of leadership development is to spread the vision, values and mission of the organization throughout management. This is quickly becoming the primary goal of many leadership training courses. Generally, such education aims to cultivate managers (whether they are competent for higher management positions) or as a way to deepen cultural change at all levels of management.

  Finally, leadership courses are increasingly used for strategic interventions. For example, the education model focuses on collective discussion under behavioral learning, task groups and mentoring, so as to identify organizational proposals that can accelerate major strategic change.

  Therefore, the definition of leadership development has been constantly broadened. It not only refers to the leadership ability of a manager, but also refers to the development of the whole organization"s leadership thinking mode. As a result, today"s programs involve a large number of managers, including many action-oriented learning. The model of such strategic intervention comes from specific proposals designed and implemented by enterprises such as Ford and Philips.

  In short, leadership is a comprehensive art. It not only contains a variety of specific management skills and management methods, but also includes forward-looking and planning, communication and coordination, sincerity and balance and many other elements. Of course, the suggestions in this paper are not necessarily suitable for the implementation in any enterprise. In some enterprises (such as foreign enterprises and innovative enterprises), they can be more decentralized and equal. But in other enterprises (such as state-owned enterprises and traditional enterprises), we can only do it moderately. However, I sincerely believe that the nine leadership training models mentioned in this article should be able to appropriately improve leadership in any enterprise.











  In the workplace, maybe you see that many people with poor ability can be your boss. Aren"t you very upset.

  "A sheep led by a lion can defeat a lion led by a sheep" is the most profound sentence in the book.

  There is an old Chinese saying that "the three armed forces are easy to obtain, but one general is difficult to obtain" This shows how important a good leader is to a team. When the team encounters difficulties and resistance on the way forward, the belief of leaders is the key to victory. Emerson said that "confidence is the first secret of success". Self confidence is the full affirmation of one"s own talents and the strong faith shown in the face of setbacks and failures. In the growth history of the Communist Party of China, in the face of well-equipped and powerful enemies, the army led by the party has won one victory after another. Under the torture of the enemy, so many excellent children would rather die than surrender. It is because Communists have a strong belief that the cause they are engaged in will win. Nowadays, shopping malls are like battlefields, with fierce competition. Every manager needs to have the self-confidence that "I am born to be useful", dare to challenge, shoulder responsibilities bravely, and believe that he is the "king of the grassland" who commands the sheep.

  Being a man in advance is my biggest feeling after reading this book.

  Being a man in advance is the premise and foundation of doing things. In modern enterprises, managers are the soul and pillar of enterprises and the leader of employees. The quality of managers has an important impact on enterprises and employees.

  First, be loyal and dedicated. Only when a person loves his career, he will have heartfelt passion and motivation in his work and will be willing to contribute to the enterprise. Someone once said that there is no shortage of talented people in modern society. What is lacking is talented and loyal people. Everyone has his own life ideals and goals. To achieve these, we must work hard and be a down-to-earth person step by step. As a manager, you should fulfill your mission, do what you should do and what you can do well. Secondly, managers should have a tolerant heart and a broad mind. No one is perfect, no gold is barefoot, and everyone has advantages and disadvantages. Due to differences in personality, concept and understanding, people will have different practices in their work. Managers should allow different opinions to exist. Every employee is a force for the development of the enterprise. We should timely capture the flash points of each employee and recognize their achievements. We should unite and help people with different opinions. In the process of doing these things, your mind will become more tolerant and your ability will be improved.

  Do you understand these 2 points?


  n addition to the teacher, the leader of our class is the head of our class Don"t underestimate this "small official with sesame seed". In our class, it is "under one person, above ten thousand people" and has the "supreme" right

  Our monitor is not too tall. His dark baby head looks very cute. Don"t underestimate her. She looks weak. She not only ranks among the best in our class, but also manages the class in good order. If she gets angry, the roar, "the earth shakes three times" is enough to shock you.

  On one new year"s day, the head teacher said that he would hold a party for us and let us talk freely all afternoon. Unexpectedly, the school also held an activity for the teacher in the auditorium, and the teacher missed the appointment. Several naughty boys in the class took the lead and coaxed. The classroom was in a mess for a moment. They also ignored the layout of the classroom and only cared about their own play. Just when there were no heads, the monitor said, "have you said enough? Stop talking, ####### you guys and I will decorate the classroom." The monitor is the monitor, and his words and deeds are full of momentum.

  If only one person manages a country, it may not be able to govern well. Similarly, if only one person manages a class, it may not become the best and best class. Therefore, in addition to a small assistant who manages the class for teachers, our class also needs an excellent person to help students with learning difficulties - that is, our study commi*.


  If I become president, I still have three main things to do.

  The first thing is to plant a lot of trees. Because trees contribute a lot to mankind. First of all, the forest is a huge oxygen plant and the biggest enemy of carbon dioxide. One hectare of forest can create oxygen for seven or eight hundred people to breathe together a day. Do you think it"s powerful? Besides, the forest can also absorb noise, give us a quiet and fresh living environment, and the forest can also sterilize! One hectare of cypress can release 50 kg of bactericide in a day and night!

  The second thing is to let people save water. Although we have always advocated water conservation, sometimes our implementation is not enough. China"s water resources are very tight. It has been listed as a country in short sup* of water resources by the United Nations. By 2030, the national population will reach 1.6 billion, and the per capita water resources will fall to more than 1000 cubic meters, close to the limit level of water poor countries! After reading these words, we should really understand that saving water is imminent. We all know that 70% - 80% of the human body is water. If you don"t drink water for a long time, your body will have problems. Therefore, saving water is everyone"s responsibility!

  The third thing is to save electricity. At the peak of our power consumption, the thermal motors of the State Grid have been fully loaded, and the heavy load of power transmission and transformation equipment is common. We all believe that there are many power plants in China, but there are more enterprises, factories, schools and residents to use, which still can"t make ends meet, resulting in the shortage of power in the country., So saving electricity is imminent!

  These are the three most important things for my president to do, okay? You will praise me!

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